Can EMDR Therapy Treat Depression?

depression emdr therapy Sep 01, 2023

By:  Dante Brown

EMDRIA Consultant & Basic Trainer

 Depression: A Common Yet Complex Challenge with New Hope from EMDR Therapy

Depression, a widespread and intricate mental health condition affecting millions worldwide, casts a heavy shadow on the lives it touches. Initially designed by Francine Shapiro to address trauma-related disorders, EMDR therapy has expanded its reach beyond trauma related disorders, demonstrating promising outcomes in the realm of depressive disorders. 

Through hours of meticulous research into EMDRIA resources, podcasts, training, and experiences as an EMDR Therapist, this blog embarks on an exploration of the fusion between EMDR therapy and depression. In doing so, it illuminates how EMDR is emerging as a beacon of hope, offering solace to those grappling with this pervasive and intricate mental health challenge.

Unveiling the Potential

It's an open secret that exposure to trauma and household dysfunction, quantified by high ACE scores,...

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